I'm doing my happy dance right now--thanks so much to SCOTT at my site provider, because he managed to recover my blog page!!! 


PS:  I'm working on the cutest little project for Sopherella right now.... photos to follow soon  ;-)
A big shout out to all the Irish descendants out there!  I hope you're enjoying your special day!

Now let's talk food. 

For quite some time now I've been following a very amusing blog called 'Joy the  Baker'... you have to check it out.  Full stop.  She is a lady named Joy Wilson who lives in California and writes chatty, ancedotal recipes and random musings on life, love, and all things food related.  And to my great delight, her first cookbook has just come out!

My copy arrived yesterday, and I've been reading it like a novel.  I find her her real-life, 'chatting to your friend' style appealing, and the recipes.... *sigh*.  I have always tried recipes from her blog, and now here are 100 of them, all bound together neatly with gorgeous photographs to tantalize and tempt.  Everything from Carrot Cake Pancakes to Avocado Fries, and all things in between.  Mouth-watering and totally do-able. 

It's Saturday morning, and as I am reaching the bottom of my first cup of Costa Rican Crack Coffee, the book sits at just to the left of my laptop, patiently waiting to be put to good use.

Carrot Cake Pancakes, here I come!

Happy Weekend everyone!!!